Thursday, October 30, 2014

Your mind is a garden. Are you its gardener ?

In our modern society we are constantly bombarded with distractions, messages and things that we have to process in our minds. And it’s so easy to get sidetracked, even if you have made the best of lists to focus on. The reason is that we only have a limited amount of capacity in our heads to handle everything that goes on in daily life. And also, that most people seem to fill up the space we do have, with a lot of meaningless crap that serves no good purpose at all.

Most people are walking around being unaware. Not just to what’s going on around them, no even worse, they don’t pay any attention at all about what is controlling their minds. They have no clue about the negativity that they allow to enter and the thoughts that feed it.

If we could plug in a speaker to peoples heads we would hear an endless amount of uncontrolled chatter, saying the worst things about not only the people around them, but to themselves in even more cases. And then asks questions like, ”why is nothing going right in my life?”

Think of your mind as a garden. You wouldn’t use the space you have to grow weeds, right? You would want to grow beautiful flowers, vegetables and herbs to use to put on your table, feeling proud and good about knowing that you made that happen. Feeling blessed that you get to reap the rewards from your deliberate intent to provide you and your loved ones with healthy, nutritious food. And enjoy it in a beautiful environment since the flowers can keep you company with it’s natural glory.

Our minds and thoughts control the quality of the lives we live.  You don’t want to fill it up with space, taking up good for nothing thoughts that don’t help you forward in life. Just like you wouldn’t replace the nutritious greens you planted carefully in your garden with weeds that does absolutely nothing good for you.

I remember a quote I read once that stuck with me and has served me as a reminder ever since:

”Your mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds.
You can grow flowers, or You can grow weeds.”

Because after all, we are responsible for what we allow to take root and grow. When we become aware, we will notice when some kind of weed has snuck in and passed the gate, and we will be able to extract it even before it even has time to land in the soil.

And after a while, you will notice that all available space that you possess is taken up - but only by things that will bring a healthy, happy and clear mindset to it’s gardener.

So don’t be like the zombies walking around on the streets complaining about how nothing good ever comes their way, no, you are the one who has to choose to be aware. Who won’t allow negative input to enter, and if it should happen on an unguarded moment, you will be able to react, and act upon it immediately and just yank it out!

Because you choose to be responsible for your life and not let your happiness depend on circumstances you can’t control. Instead your focus is locked in on what you actually can control, Your mindset and your thoughts.

And that is why you know that every day is a blessing and another step towards reaching your true potential.

Written by: J.R. Martinsson & C. Cargill

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Isn’t that what you’re looking for? A piece that makes the conversation stop, minds who drifts away and emotions that starts to flow.

That is my goal when I create my artwork for venues. To make people feel something. Bring colors to their eyes and get the happy feelings on. And hopefully that will last even after they left, and when they return, so will the smile on their faces.

I am happy to create something special, by request. As I have done for the Allegria Resort in Long Beach, New York, a place who resides right by the waterfront. A line that follows the blue taken up by the sea, accompanied by glitter and marbles to reflect the sunshine as it meets the waves.

I am now available to provide You with artwork, and I invite you to check out what’s already available on our website at:

If you have any special request I’m happy to create it for you. Just let me know your vision and we will find the way to bring it to life.

I am really looking forward to hearing your vision!

Monday, October 6, 2014

It’s time to go biddin’!

We don’t know if you heard, but in June 2015 we, AuthenticheARTwork, are hosting an event. Not just any event, our goal is to build a community for people who, like us, want to make a difference. To grow and expand our mindsets, and see others do the same.

The event is called ResetYourMindset! and the name really says it all. It’s going to take place in Long Beach, New York and we have some really good motivational speakers bringing the awareness and new perspectives. Of course our art will have its place there as well. For us, art is a way to express ourselves - but it’s not the only way, even though it might be our favourite … J

We have almost everything in place, but since we want to make it available for as many as possible, we are now doing all we can to raise the funds required to make this a reality.

So, here is one of the things to keep us moving forward: we are auctioning this beautiful piece! Go and check it out here:

Your bid will not only render you this peace of art, but also a special ticket to the event and we promise you that you will be recognized for it!

The winner will be presented here and on the official page for the event as soon as the auction is closed.

We wish you the best of luck and we are really looking forward to presenting the winner!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Following A Dream

Following a dream...

”I have always wanted to paint!”
”I have always wanted to write a book!”
”I have always wanted to travel the world!”

I don’t know how many times I've heard people saying these lines, or something similar. Every time I mention that I’m an artist and a writer I get that in return, ”I always wanted to do that too!”

So why don’t you? Most people start to squirm when I ask them that, and say things like, there’s not enough time, it doesn’t fit so well right now in life, etc. Is it true?

Well, sometimes it might actually be true. But for the most part there is something else holding us back. Like fear. That’s a big roadblock for many people. Fear of being judged, criticized, and risk showing people sides of ourselves we don’t normally do.

Being lazy. Procrastination. Just putting it off, because even though it would be really fun and rewarding, it would demand a big effort. And that show on tv sure is funny …

We need to get ourselves to a point where it feels like nothing is more important than
finishing your mission because it would be a huge loss if not!

I guess a lot of people would consider it making a big sacrifice, when I tell them how I have
chosen to live in order to follow my dreams. Personally, I have never looked at it in that
perspective. Of course I’ve had moments of doubt, it’s only human. But then you pick yourself
up and just carry on. Forward, towards the goal, the future you after a while can see so
clearly, even when no one else can. Because you don’t need them to.

If you have a dream, which most people do, why not start the journey today, towards making
it come true? Even if it’s a tiny step, like buying a canvas, turning on your computer and write
down the first words, whatever it is you’re looking for, can make all the difference.

Everything starts with you. Take one step in the right direction and see what happens. Just
And the rest will be, as they say, history.