Thursday, October 2, 2014

Following A Dream

Following a dream...

”I have always wanted to paint!”
”I have always wanted to write a book!”
”I have always wanted to travel the world!”

I don’t know how many times I've heard people saying these lines, or something similar. Every time I mention that I’m an artist and a writer I get that in return, ”I always wanted to do that too!”

So why don’t you? Most people start to squirm when I ask them that, and say things like, there’s not enough time, it doesn’t fit so well right now in life, etc. Is it true?

Well, sometimes it might actually be true. But for the most part there is something else holding us back. Like fear. That’s a big roadblock for many people. Fear of being judged, criticized, and risk showing people sides of ourselves we don’t normally do.

Being lazy. Procrastination. Just putting it off, because even though it would be really fun and rewarding, it would demand a big effort. And that show on tv sure is funny …

We need to get ourselves to a point where it feels like nothing is more important than
finishing your mission because it would be a huge loss if not!

I guess a lot of people would consider it making a big sacrifice, when I tell them how I have
chosen to live in order to follow my dreams. Personally, I have never looked at it in that
perspective. Of course I’ve had moments of doubt, it’s only human. But then you pick yourself
up and just carry on. Forward, towards the goal, the future you after a while can see so
clearly, even when no one else can. Because you don’t need them to.

If you have a dream, which most people do, why not start the journey today, towards making
it come true? Even if it’s a tiny step, like buying a canvas, turning on your computer and write
down the first words, whatever it is you’re looking for, can make all the difference.

Everything starts with you. Take one step in the right direction and see what happens. Just
And the rest will be, as they say, history.

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